Form Page

Please go through the qualification criteria carefully to ensure that you are eligible for membership and to be acquainted
with membership categories before obtaining and completing the form.

A prospective member of SNB other than a student member must have worked continuously for a minimum of Five (5) years
in any of the following organisations to qualify for Associate membership and 10 years to qualify for Full membership.
1. Radio /Television organisation licensed by the National Broadcasting Commission.
2. Broadcast Regulatory Agency e.g (NBC)
3. Communication Related Department in a University or Polytechnic

The prospective member must have worked as a staff in the following Departments/Division

(a) Programme

(b) News/Current Affairs and

(c) Engineering: as Producer, Presenter, Newscaster, Director, Editor, Reporter, Production engineer,
Film Editor, Cameraman etc.


Lecturer in a Mass Communication related Department in University or Polytechnic with corresponding years.

In addition such person should possess a minimum qualification of Diploma Obtained from a recognized tertiary institution.

Any member upon registration will participate in an induction programme.