Register To Become A Member

Membership Instructions
Please go through the qualification criteria carefully to ensure that you are eligible for membership and to be acquainted with membership categories before obtaining and completing the form.
A prospective member of SNB other than a student member must have worked continuously for a minimum of Five (5) years
in any of the following organisations to qualify for Associate membership and 10 years to qualify for Full membership.
1. Radio /Television organisation licensed by the National Broadcasting Commission.
2. Broadcast Regulatory Agency e.g (NBC)
3. Communication Related Department in a University or Polytechnic
The prospective member must have worked as a staff in the following Departments/Division
(a) Programme
(b) News/Current Affairs and
(c) Engineering: as Producer, Presenter, Newscaster, Director, Editor, Reporter, Production engineer,
Film Editor, Cameraman etc.
Lecturer in a Mass Communication related Department in University or Polytechnic with corresponding years.
In addition such person should possess a minimum qualification of Diploma Obtained from a recognized tertiary institution.
Any member upon registration will participate in an induction programme.
Payment Instructions
Kindly make payment of N5,000 as Membership Registration Fee to our bank account details below and make your payment proof available as it must be uploaded and submitted with other details before your form would be processed.
Bank: Zenith Bank.
Account Number: 1219980653
Reference Form
Kindly download and fill the Reference form as it must be attached before submitting the online application form